Establishing Biosimilarity

Phase I Clinical Study in Healthy Volunteers:

A randomized, double-blind, single-dose, 3-arm, parallel study demonstrated the similar pharmacokinetic profile of TOFIDENCE vs Actemra® 1

Study Design

N=138 enrolled
(n=129 receiving
a single IV dose)
Baseline to
Day 57
Phase I, randomized, double-blind, three-arm, parallel group PK study comparing a single IV dose of TOFIDENCE (4 mg/kg body weight) with EU- and US-sourced Actemra (RoActemra-EU and Actemra-US) in healthy volunteers.
Assessed PK with AUCO-inf, A UC0-t, Cmax, Tmax, t1/2, Vz, and CL. Safety profile and immunogenicity.

Mean serum concentration time curves were similar for TOFIDENCE, RoActemra, and Actemra1

Mean serum concentration-time profiles were similar for reference tocilizumab and TOFIDENCE1

Phase I Clinical Study Summary in Healthy Volunteers

A randomized, double-blind, single-dose, 3-arm, parallel clinical study compared the tolerance, immunogenicity, and pharmacokinetics of TOFIDENCE and Actemra in healthy volunteers.

  • This Phase I study demonstrated similar PK profiles of TOFIDENCE with RoActemra and Actemra reference products when administered at a dose of 4 mg/kg as a single intravenous infusion
  • The PK characteristics of TOFIDENCE were contained comparable to those of RoActemra and Actemra reference products
    • The 90% CIs for the AUC0–∞, Cmax and AUC0–t (86.90–106.15%) were contained within the predefined PK bioequivalence margins (80–125%)

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ADA=antidrug antibody; AE=adverse event; ANOVA=analysis of variance; AUC0-t=area under the curve from zero to the final quantifiable concentration; AUC0–∞=area under the curve from zero to infinity; CL=clearance; Cmax=maximum observable serum concentration; GMR=geometric mean ratio; IV=intravenous; PK=pharmacokinetic; SAE=serious adverse events; Tmax=the concentration-time data included time to peak; t1/2=half-life, Vz=volume of distribution.

  1. Zhang H, Wang H, Wei H, et al. A phase l clinical study comparing the tolerance, immunogenicity, and pharmacokinetics of proposed biosimilar BAT1806 and reference tocilizumab in healthy Chinese men. Front Pharmacol. 2021;11:609522.